Monday, February 6, 2012

Conquistador I

I have thought on the blessings of family--past, present, and future family. In doing some research into genealogy I have come across some interesting people. Henri-Anna Ewert, her young son, Samuel, her father, mother, and at least one sister embarked from County Down, Ireland on an adventure. It was an adventure of a life time--actually, of many lifetimes...

What would impel a family to leave everything they knew to come to something unknown? Somewhere along the journey Henri-Anna's father died, but the rest of this feisty, hard working family made it to America, and to a new life...

It is a rich heritage that many in this country can claim. People willing to put everything on the line for freedom. Through sheer labor, sweat, and against all odds, they persevered. We hear much these days about 'freedom isn't free', and so that is, but this isn't only about freedom--or toil, or sacrifice, it's about life.

There are several 'threads' that must be followed--at present we will fast forward several generations. My adorable cousin is standing in a grocery line waiting to pay for her groceries while the shopper in front of her-- and the cashier-- are discussing how 'unhealthy' bacon and several other foods are. I'm sure they weren't picking on her or her choices--but she does have several of these items in her cart. When her turn comes she slaps her articles on the conveyer. As she is paying for them she, angrily says, "If my ancestors could walk across this country, bacon grease dripping from their lips, I guess it won't hurt me either!"

I haven't traveled extensively, but I have traveled. I have also read, and wondered...

America -the beacon on a hill. America -the siren, a warning. I enjoy writing. I enjoy the research and trying to put into everyday language what I have found in order to pass on what I've learned.

What has made America the beacon? Part is the sweat and toil of our ancestors--but... As some attempt to re-write our history into a secular past, a person doesn't need to dig far before we reject a secular beginning. You can not discount the Separatists, landing at Plymouth Rock, after fleeing England for 'freedom to practice religion' as they read it in the Bible.

Let's add a new thread. In world history we learned that Columbus 'discovered' the new world, and thus set in motion the Spanish quest for gold and treasures. They were of course searching for a route to China and all her splendors. As the Spanish went in search of these treasures they went to conquer and acquire in the name of the King and Queen of Spain, and the Catholic Church. We see the soldiers--the 'Conquistadors' kneeling in the sands as they give thanks for safety of voyage, the cross held high above their heads...

Christianity--a very important part in the world in those times. The Separatists brought their families and their Bibles to eke out 'a city set on a hill'. "Ye are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid." --Matthew 5:14
Conquistadors setting out to conquer for their King, Queen, and the Church...

Fast forward again. As my husband and youngest son are preparing for a mission trip to Mexico, I receive a call from my adorable cousin. As we chat she begins to tell me that it's all over the news. The president is talking about sending troops to secure the southern border because violence has erupted in Mexico and along our border. I'm listening wondering if we are talking about the same country, or even for that matter the same world. I mumble something about the 'boys' are getting ready to head into Mexico for a mission trip, and when my words finally hit her mind...No! she says, they can't go! Tell them they can't go... Lately there has been a number of things reported in the news about happenings along the border or in Mexico. Drugs, shootings, gangs, murders...

America is the greatest nation--A city set on a hill. I can still see the pioneers walking, riding in Conestoga wagons, carrying their rifles, Bibles, and axes across the mountains and plains...

Compare--the Spanish Conquistadors; the English Separatists. Conquistadors in a ruthless quest for gold and treasure. The Separatists and their families striving for a religion like what they saw in the Bible.

Foundations--I've wondered about why. Why is there so much poverty, crime, and corruption in these (what we would consider) poor countries? We have walked and driven down some of these streets, seen the beggars, seen the sorrow. The stark contrast of driving down one of our streets versus driving down a foreign street is hard to express.

"Mom, I think it would do American kids good to visit Mexico," my daughter says thoughtfully. --This happened several years ago, but...

I agree, but I think it might do most Americans good to visit one of these countries, not just the children. What is the difference between America and other countries?

My aunt married an Irish Catholic man. He looked as Irish as any picture ever. He could tell a story, and he loved to pull pranks. He and she were married for quite a long time. Then she divorced him. Although she re-married, he never did. It seems that she divorced him for committing adultery. According to him he could not re-marry because it wasn't allowed 'in the church'. This may be an erroneous observation, but it seems he could commit a sin (in this case cheating on his wife) go to the priest and be forgiven, but he could not remarry...

Does it make a difference what a person believes religiously?

Under Catholicism if you commit sin--you go to the priest and he absolves you of your sin. It appears that no matter how many times you commit the same sin, as long as you go to the priest you're good to go, but...

When the light of the gospel began to be exposed (the Catholic church did not want the 'common' people to have copies of the scriptures) when the scriptures came to light through Luther, Wycliff, etc. common people began to see and read passages such as:

1Peter 2:5 ye also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
1Peter 2:9 But ye are an elect race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that ye may show forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:...

And the people realized that they were responsible to God, not to a mere man. Not to a priest--Why, they them selves were the priests! They were to 'show forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:'. And they read 1Peter 1:15-16 'but like as he who called you is holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all manner of living; because it is written, Ye shall be holy; for I am holy.'

As things evolved, the Church of England came about, and the Separatist came about, and...the Separatists came to the New World bringing their families and their Bibles. They brought also their ideas of moral law and order, of moral responsibility before God...a moral, and just, and righteous God...

1Samuel 2:25 If one man sin against another, God shall judge him; but if a man sin against Jehovah, who shall entreat for him?

"America is the greatest nation in the me change it--" Not really funny, but that was supposedly someones' campaign spiel--but, as many have asked, why would you want to change it?

But America IS changing. Why is it changing, and into what is it changing? Indeed, is it really becoming that city set on a hill? Or was it a city, a beacon as it were, and now it is just a warning siren?

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