Saturday, January 18, 2014

What Difference Does It Make?! (part two)

What difference does it make?  Ask history.  History will tell us that any society that embraces such deviations from man/woman relationships also embraces the end of their society.  We can point to a Biblical example of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis nineteen.  We can point historically to Rome and Greece as well.  When the family structure began to fall apart, when the women began their decent away from goodness, and men began their decent away from moral principles, the society began their sure demise.

I'm taking a short sashay, a small aside here.  I ask the Bible class teacher, "I know people who aren't necessarily what we would call Christians, yet they have a very good marriage.  So, since they aren't Christians how would you explain this?"  (Now here's an aside from the aside.  When I speak of a 'very good marriage', I don't mean that they get along well.  I mean that although they may get along well, they also have the other attributes of a good Christian marriage.  For example, they uphold the traditional values of the husband being the head of the home--the bread winner--financial manager, etc.  She as a good homemaker, taking care of the children, managing her home finances etc.)

"Well," the teacher answered, "there are Biblical principles that when applied to a situation whether the ones applying them are Christians or not--those principles still work."

The people who condemn Christians as closed minded because they don't accept deviations, because 'what difference does it make' haven't looked into the mirror of the past societies.  I don't want to go snooping around in other folks' sordid or unsordid life styles, however looking into the mirror of the past gives us a window into the society of the future.

 God created intimacy to be between one man and his one wife.  God created Adam and his Eve (not Eves).  Genesis 2:24  "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." And Jesus says in Matthew: 19:4  "And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, 5)  And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?  6)  Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

The past tells us that any society that becomes obsessed with sex is doomed.  First it's a little not being quite satisfied with the mate you have, maybe a little extra-marital fling, a little bit of looking where you shouldn't be.  Going aside, outside the lines, blurring right and wrong--usually it doesn't seem all that bad.  I mean, what difference could it make?  At first people and society will put on the brakes, but soon there is no stopping point and it's a down hill rush.

It may have begun with the desire to relax marriage and divorce laws, as in no-fault divorce.  Adultery used to be the only reason for divorce, now--adultery is about the only reason that you can't get a divorce.  At one time a woman exposing a slender ankle was considered risque (in olden days a glimpse of stocking was thought of as something shocking, but now heaven knows...).  I'm sure we have a naive view of olden days, but we certainly have come to the --anything goes-- part.  Pornography is a sickness that we don't seem to be able to rid ourselves of.  Back in my youthful days there was the risk of venereal diseases, then std's, and now we have all of the above plus AIDS.

When we ask God what His opinion is of these perversions he calls them abominations.  He tells us not to even go there--and God is quite plain about it--perhaps even what some would call closed minded.  For all the flapping that has gone on here are some ideas for consideration:

Our society has for the most part been led to believe that adultery, fornication, pornography, homosexuality, and many other deviations are quite acceptable, but they aren't.  People that are in a life long monogamous--one man one woman relationship are still healthier and percentage wise happier than any other relationship.  Even in a male/female relationship if the parties aren't married there is more unhappiness, more violence, more problems.  There are so many fallacies surrounding same sex relationships where would a person begin?  Homosexuals supposedly should have the right to love their 'love'.  Problem is their definition of love isn't the same as straight people's definition of love.  Their definition of a relationship is different than a normal definition.  A standard same sex relationship doesn't usually consist of only one partner and one partner only.  During any relationship they may have several also runs, and during the life span one person usually has anywhere from 100+ all the way to close to 1000 partners.  They characteristically die earlier from self inflicted diseases such as AIDS. They have higher rates of suicides and violence in their relationships. 

If a doctor tells a patient that over-eating, over-drinking, or some life style habit is going to kill them, does that make the doctor a hateful person?  Does it make the doctor unjust, bigoted, or whatever  other hateful name--does it make the doctor anything but a messenger of truth?  The truth is that there are some things that are just flat wrong.

It is wrong for men or women to act in an irresponsible fashion.  It is wrong for people to bring children into this world and abandon them--but far more insidious for them to create a life with no intention to care, nurture, and love that life as the precious soul that it is.  Or as many do nowadays, discard human life created in the image of God as if  it were trash.

 Most people want to eat and drink healthy food and beverages.  They want to breathe clean pure air...if you were to take someone's water and begin to put just a little dirt in it, and hand it back to them--would they drink it?  If you asked them what difference does it make?  Would they see that just a little dirt in their water, or their food, or even in the air they breathe--doesn't make any difference?  Most people would not want to live in a cesspool.  Most people don't want to live in a world where they are afraid. 

There are no better principles, no better standards on which to base your life and your society on than God's principles found in the Bible.  Those principles are the difference between living in a pure society and a cesspool.  What difference does it make?  What difference does it make?  It makes all the difference in the world...and in the world to come. 

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