Friday, July 21, 2017

What Happened?

 Many people believe that parents raise their younger children (or child) differently than the older ones, and that can be true. The reasons can be anything from; parents get tired and it's a 'whatever' time in life, or parents become wiser, or perhaps just different children need different upbringing.It is like a Captain Obvious that we are older by the time our children are raised and the grandchildren come along. Often there is a special bond between grandparents and their grandchildren. Grandparents see things through different eyes than parents. The reasons may be similar to older parents raising their children. 

My Grandparents were good folks. The salt of the earth type of people that would go the extra mile to help their friends and neighbors. They had seen a lot of life, both the good and the bad. As children we were encouraged to 'do good unto one another', and do at least one good deed every day. And, whereas their good friends and neighbors attended the Christian church every Sunday, my Grandparents never did. 

We had lots of books in our house, most gleaned from yard sales. Living on the farm where there wasn't a lot of entertainment we did a lot of reading. We didn't have a Bible, but at one time in a box of books we acquired there was a New Testament. Being very naive I thought it was a current update of the Old Testament. 

For some reason my Grandparents believed that 'all Christians are hypocrites', and that they (grandparents) could be good (was that 'good enough', or just plain 'good'?) without church. And as I've said they were good, honest people, but they had some faulty thinking. 

I've known some who called themselves Christian who did not act like Christ. I know many who believe they are 'Christians' because they believe there is a Jesus. There is a whole gamut of so called Christians in the net, but if it doesn't walk, talk, or act like a Christian, no matter what it calls its self, it probably isn't a Christian. 

Having written that, there are two things I wish people would come to grips with. Christians—and I do mean honest believing believers—are not super duper perfect people. A hypocrite is someone that says one thing and has no intention of living the life, or walking the walk. A Christian is not a hypocrite because they make a mistake. We all make mistakes, most of us daily. We still have to get up and move on and hope we never make that mistake again. Some times we do. Living a perfect life takes a lot of perfect practice. 

That is one place they were honestly wrong. It was their perception that was faulty. I'll address the next problem in the next post.

"Ye are of your father the devil... When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof." (John 8:44 ASV)

Hallelujah! What A Savior!


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