Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I gaze at a photograph from some recent trip, and wonder."What's that picture about?"

"You can take all the pictures you want on our trip," my husband says. Immediately he squelches the moment by adding, "I won't promise to have them developed, but you can take as many..."

Well in light of the fact that I do find, when our pictures are developed that a picture taken on the impulse of the moment often turns out to be the one (or ones) I can't quite remember why I took--THAT picture.

There are the other pictures, a brilliant sunrise, or sunset, a gorgeous flower, bird, or family scene.

"Hey, this is great. We now have one picture out of every three that are our personal pictures instead of one out of eight!" my son says watching the screen saver pictures.

We have many pictures of our Jamaica or Mexico mission trips. Some are our own, and some are ones other members have sent us. We enjoy them, but the ones of family get togethers and personal times are...well personal.
It would be quicker and easier to breeze through life without personal touches...but of course it wouldn't be near as much fun.

Human beings need those relationships that reach out. No, not always the huggie feelie type things. A few words written on a paper, a small gesture, a smile, just a glance that expresses 'I understand', all of these things make differences.

When did our society become too busy? Too busy to observe the common courtesies, the duties if you will, that comfort and ease our paths through this world.

Even more important, why? Many bemoan what has happened perhaps with a sigh, but that is just as they jump up and head for the door...bye, gotta go, see ya later...and the thought is gone.

Let's start looking for ways to slow down and be neighborly. Easier said than done, I know.

Philippians 4:10 But I rejoice in the Lord greatly, that now at length ye have revived your thought for me; wherein ye did indeed take thought, but ye lacked opportunity.

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