Friday, April 25, 2014

How I could dream

And what could I dream? Many years ago a song was written titled, 'Imagine'.  Many people sing and dream about how wonderful things would be if only...  if only there was no pain, or sorrow,  no bad things that happen. 
This song erroneously blames many things including religion for killing and death in this world, and this song is a proposition that socialism is a good thing...if everyone were only free and equal, but take a look at the reality of what 'imagine' looks like:

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
     First verse--no heaven, no hell, only people with nothing-- to live or die-- for.  People living as if they are animals.  Ecclessiastes 3:11 "He hath made everything beautiful in its time: also he hath set eternity in their heart, yet so that man cannot find out the work that God hath done from the beginning even to the end." Human beings are unique to our world.  Animals don't think about tomorrow.  They only live from day to day.  Yet, humans can think and reason into the future--just another way we are set apart from the animal world.

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace
     Second verse--no country, no religion, nothing --to kill or die-- for...  Killing isn't good--violent death is not good, but death comes to us all.  It doesn't always come with countries or religion.  As a matter-of-observation, without the proper religion, violent death comes more often, to more people.
Ecclessiastes 3:16  "And moreover I saw under the sun, in the place of justice, that wickedness was there; and in the place of righteousness, that wickedness was there."
When our fellow man has no restraint he's no saint.  Where there is no admonition to 'love thy neighbor', we are less loving, caring, and forgiving.  True Christianity is is like that.  It offers a better life here on earth, and the hope of eternal life in heaven. We can know that there is a righteous judge and all will at some point be judged.
You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
     This is another misrepresentation of the real world we live in.  Even if the majority of the population were of a similar thought, the reality is that there is always a fly in someone's ointment.  It isn't human nature for everyone to think, act, and live the same way. Not only isn't it human nature, but often the minority is the fly that maketh the oil of the apothecary to stink...Ecclessiastes 10:1  "Dead flies cause the oil of the perfumer to send forth an evil odor; so doth a little folly outweigh wisdom and honor."

 Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world
     No possessions?  That is not realistic.  There has to be some elemental possessions.  How can I share in the first place if I don't have something to share?  If I'm in need how can you help me, or how can we help one another, if we don't have possessions?  We don't live in a world where what is mine is yours, and yours is mine.  A world where, since everything belongs to everyone, I can just borrow or use anything that I desire because of course it's all public property. There isn't a need for greed, but greed and hunger do exist.  Odd, that the singer of this song seems to support the communist type government, yet when you look into history, the communist elitist governments have used food and food shortages to control their citizens.  These governments are far from the peace filled fantasies offered in this ditty.  In Jamestown, Virginia the very first government was that 'all should work, and share the fruits of that labor equally'.  What happened was some worked, all shared, and eventually the 'some' decided that the system wasn't working, therefore they weren't going to work either.  The system was changed to, 2Thessalonians 3:10  "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, If any will not work, neither let him eat."

 You, you may say
I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will live as one
     Without good dreams a person has no goals, nothing to look forward to, nothing to strive for.  Nothing to live...or die for.  The dreamer here isn't dreaming for anyone, but himself.  Different countries keep each other in check.  No one seems to remember this idea.  Some, smart, educated people have at times believed a 'one world government' is the way to go.  They are not supported by history or logic.  If we lived in a perfect world, our perfect government wouldn't be needed.  No heaven, no hell?  For many in this life of trial and trouble heaven and its hope is a fair vision.  For would be evil doers a belief that someday their misdeeds would be judged and punished by a righteous God with an eternal punishment is a stong deterrent. 
A speaker was encouraging his listeners to 'trust people to do the right thing'.  "Given the opportunity people will usually do the right thing," the man said. 
I look around me, and some people are trustworthy, but...
Ecclesiastes 7:29  "Behold, this only have I found: that God made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. "

Ecclesiastes 3:17  "I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked; for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work."  

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