Sunday, November 16, 2008

Savior or Judge

The story is told of a man out fishing on a lake. Not far from shore he was capsized, and clinging to the side of his small craft, he called piteously for help. A man walking by the shore heard his cries and threw him a life line. When the fisherman was hauled from the water the man who had pulled him to safety built a fire in order for the grateful man to dry off and warm himself. In the process the two spent several hours chatting and the time was spent pleasantly ending in a friendly manner.

So it is with many people today. They begin life on good terms with God, some even start on the path of salvation toward heaven. Like the drowning man they are thrown the lifeline and drawn toward the warmth of God's love and salvation. But somewhere along the line they and their Savior part company.

In the course of the story it is told that the fisherman goes his way, but his way is not good and at some point he commits a heinous crime. He is arrested and eventually is brought before the judge. To his amazement the judge just happens to be the same man who had pulled him from the water to safety those many years before.

With hope and joy he says to the man, "Sir, don't you remember me? I'm the man you saved so many years ago! Please, help me..."

The judge looks at him sadly. Shaking his head he says, "The night I pulled you from the water, I was your savior. This day I am your judge.'

The story is not mine. It is just one that has been used to illustrate the fact that right now Jesus wants to pull us out of the lake of sin and despair. He wants to cleanse us and set us on the path to salvation and heaven. If you have not started, there is no time like the present; if you have, it is important to continue.

If we have become a Christian, Jesus is our friend, our shepherd, our comforter, and most of all our Savior. One day He will also be our 'judge', whether we are a Christian or not. It is important to start on the road to heaven--today.

2Corinthians 6:2 (for he saith, At an acceptable time I hearkened unto thee, And in a day of salvation did I succor thee: behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation):

"behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation):"

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