Monday, August 11, 2008

More Words

"Grandpa, I didn't know you played football," the little boy said.
"I don't," Grandpa answered puzzled.
"Oh, yes you do. Dad said when you kick off, we're gonna..."

So the joke goes. Have you ever had moments like that? Perhaps you said something that was taken completely out of context--misunderstood-- or when repeated didn't sound at all like what you had said in the first place.

We used to play a game called 'telephone', or sometimes it was called 'gossip', but the game was the same. The children would set in a circle (or a line). The first person would whisper to the next person something simple, then that person would repeat it to the next person, and so forth until the last person would stand up and repeat the message that he had received. It was usually quite funny. Sally might start with 'Jimmy wears black shoes', and the message would end up something like 'Fred has a rotten rose'.

"Grandpa, when you die can I have that tractor?" our young son asked his grandpa.
It brought to mind the 'joke' above. We didn't have any idea why he asked such a question. Only because he wanted his grandpa's tractor--someday--we assumed, but how embarrassing. We as God' s children need to have children to understand our own relationship to the Creator fully.

Being children to our earthly parents helps us understand the parent/child relationship, but when we have our own children our 'horizons' seem to expand. And sometimes for the better.

There is the wonder of 'we're going to have a baby', the miracle as it grows and develops before, as well as after it is born. Watching the little person develop, hoping and praying for them...and yourself.

"Mom, I wonder," my daughter says after watching her little daughter 'pitch a fit', "do I ever look like that to God?"
"You know," I answer with a controlled snicker, "I would say we probably ALL look like that to God at times."

When we stop and consider Isaiah 55:8, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith Jehovah. 9) For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." We know that God is God, and his ways are higher than our ways.

Now that I'm older, I feel blessed to have my children...although most are grown up now, they have added a dimension to my life that has enriched my daily walk with my Creator. It's somewhat like adding spices and seasonings to a stew. It begins rather bland with just the water, and original meat and vegetables, but as it cooks and simmers with a little salt, pepper, and herbs it takes on a rich pungent flavor.

"No, we aren't going to have any kids," the bride-to-be insists.
"Well, of course it's your life, but the older I get the more I enjoy my children."
"You just had kids to take care of you when you get old? That's awful!" she exclaims.

Of course I'm puzzled. I don't know how she got THAT out of 'I enjoy my children'. You see, time has begun to bridge the gap...we look on things more the same than we used to. We watch their children grow, and we laugh... at some of the same things...for the same reasons. They come to visit, we might play a game, or just talk, husband and I enjoy those times.

Genesis 5:24 "and Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him."

To never see physical death. I can't imagine ever 'walking with God' the way Enoch did, but since I have children of my own, I sometimes talk to God in a similar fashion that my children and I talk. More confidential, more friendly, in a 'person to person' sort of way...except of course it is person to God. I understand things that I never could have before.

Proverbs 12:28 In the way of righteousness is life; And in the pathway thereof there is no death.

Hallelujah! What a Savior!

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